For those that don't know, heart disease is caused by a DEFICIENCY in CHOLESTEROL. It is well-documented that those who die of a heart attack had 'normal' blood levels of cholesterol. Forget about the cholesterol 'theory.' It was simply a THEORY and has been proven over and over again to be FALSE. Also, cholesterol doesn't go up or down because of our diet. Cholesterol levels fluctuate depending on the HYDRATION status of the body. Wrap your minds around this because we all know the opposite has been marketed and this may come as a shock to many, especially those actively trying to lower their cholesterol through diet and drugs on their doctor's advice.
"We'll give them poison and they will call it medicine...." direct quote from the early founders of western medicine (the usual 'families.')
What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a fat which is produced by the liver and is crucial for normal body functioning. Cholesterol exists in the outer layer of every cell (we have trillions) of the body. Crucial for normal body functioning? What are those functions?
Cholesterol has many vital functions in the human body but here are a few that we can easily remember:

1. Powerful antioxidant thus reduces the incidence of metabolic 'diseases'
2. Repairs cells so it is essential in new cell formation while repairing the tired or injured ones
3. It is the building block for all of our body's tissues (which are made up of cells)
4. It improves learning and memory because it increases the synapse between nerve cells by 15 times
5. It converts sunlight to a highly effective vitamin D which our body recognizes which, in turn regulates blood sugar, prevents cancer, builds immunity, allows calcium to be metabolized
6. It manufactures sex hormones, more or less, like androgens and estrogens
7. It regulates blood pressure and fluid balance
I guess the question is what is cholesterol NOT good for? The answer is NOTHING
Ultimately, we want to keep our liver in good shape so that it can continue to produce a healthy supply of cholesterol so we don't wither away. This requires hydration (water and salt) and an optimally functioning liver.
A very nourishing and building liver drink is as follows:
5 lbs juiced beets
2-3 lbs juiced carrots 
Place the juices in a blender.
Add a bottle of organic UNSULPHURED black strap molasses (12-14 ounces)
Add half a quart/liter of organic grape juice (from concentrate is fine) 
Blend everything together, pour in a container and refrigerate.
Drink about a quarter cup (or at least a shot glass full) 3 times a day before eating. The molasses is a SIGNIFICANT natural source of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. ONE TABLESPOON PROVIDES ABOUT 20% OF THE DAILY NEEDS OF THOSE NUTRIENTS!
Forget everything you thought you knew about cholesterol. The design of our body is perfect. Hydration and nourishment are KEY to life. Cholesterol lowering drugs will kill you. I am dead serious (no pun intended.)

The Water Cure

Update 19th June 2016

I have a lot to say about salt for new members but I ran across this and it is the icing on the statin cake. Dr. Kruse speaks about the effect of statins on your cells. In this group and with my background in critical care where the cell rules, this is probably the most damaging evidence against statins. The final outcome of taking statins long term is dementia and we can see that by how it alters the cell.

"Statins block the production of coenzyme Q10, an endogenous antioxidant critical to cellular functions and particularly beneficial for heart health. The blockade of the Q cycle is the real problem with the entire class of drugs with respect to mitochondrial function."

Margie Clarke RN

Dr Jack Kruse

The low-fat myth is currently in free-fall in the UK but is being propped up by Big Agra and Big Pharma in the USA. As for cholesterol and statins medications, the truth has slowy been emerging during the past several years and is now accelerating on the heels of a recent study, published in the British Medical Journal.

The new study, a review of nearly 70,000 people, found no association between LDL cholesterol (known as “bad cholesterol”) and premature death from cardiovascular disease for those 60 years of age and older.

This is completely contrary to the conventional wisdom, establishment position. In fact, those with higher LDL live longer and have less cardiovascular disease. The 50 year Framingham Study that ended in 1999 also showed this, but the ACA and AMA have buried that data in support of the statin manufacturers.

The study authors write, "Since elderly people with high LDL-C live as long or longer than those with low LDL-C, our analysis provides reason to question the validity of the cholesterol hypothesis.

Moreover, our study provides the rationale for a re-evaluation of guidelines recommending pharmacological reduction of LDL-C in the elderly as a component of cardiovascular disease prevention strategies."

The British Heart Foundation questioned the study on the grounds that links between high LDL and death in older people are harder to detect because, as people age, more factors determine overall health.

Co-author of the study Dr. Malcolm Kendrick acknowledged the findings would be controversial, but defended them as “robust” and “thoroughly reviewed.”

Professor Sherif Sultan from the University of Ireland, who also worked on the study, added,
"Lowering cholesterol with medications for primary cardiovascular prevention in those aged over 60 is a total waste of time and resources, whereas altering your lifestyle is the single most important way to achieve a good quality of life." Do you still think statins mesh well with your mitochondria? All statins block the Q-cycle.

This new study adds further weight to the façade that statins are beneficial in nay way. In fact, they are tied to a long list of risks, including the following:
Statins increase the risk of diabetes, especially for postmenopausal women (71 percent increase) and for women in general (48 percent increase). Even the FDA acknowledges, “People being treated with statins may have an increased risk of raised blood sugar levels and the development of type 2 diabetes.” Why?

When the Q cycle is block tunneling of electrons slows and % heteroplasmy rises in mitochondria.
Frequent statin use is associated with accelerated coronary artery and aortic artery calcification, a highly predictive factor of cardiovascular disease and PAD.

Statins block the production of coenzyme Q10, an endogenous antioxidant critical to cellular functions and particularly beneficial for heart health.

The blockade of the Q cycle is the real problem with the entire class of drugs with respect to mitochondrial function.
Statins decrease all hormones built of cholesterol like testosterone levels, can lower energy levels and libido, and can induce erectile dysfunction. Big Pharma uses this to sell ED drugs to men on statins. Sad but true.

Statins Linked to Diabetes and Complications in Healthy Adults

Views: 333

Comment by Andrea Lyra on August 12, 2012 at 23:27

Thankyou soo much for this...What a Gem you are. I've friends who are "watching" their cholesterol and its always made me feel very uncomfortable when the topic arises, I shall be making that potion asap! and I'll pass the info on!!


Comment by Margie Clarke, RN on August 13, 2012 at 0:14

I was born and went to school in Canada before I became a Trauma Nurse Specialist and started traveling through the US. The UK has a special place in my heart because when I was an outpost nurse in Northern Canada (scared out of my wits with only one year of experience) it was the nurses from the UK that took me under their wing and taught me. The biggest difference between the US, UK and Canada's health care systems is that American patients often sign over their homes and savings to pay their exorbitant bills thinking they are getting the 'best health care in the world.' Canada and the UK are kind enough not to overcharge us for experimenting on us. Anyone with a chronic condition can reverse it themselves with a few changes....once they have the correct information. I have a group on Facebook called KeepItSimple and I'm sure Deborah Williams will be happy to add you. We must rid ourselves of the 'treatment' mindset before we can make progress with our health. I am currently a holistic health practitioner and holistic/nutritional consultant though have to pick up a few shifts here and there as a nursing supervisor in hospitals if I want to eat - hahaha. I don't mind because this gives me a chance to 'reprogram' young nurses and doctors who are impressed with my experience and I get to avoid the 'treatment' areas except always show up for trauma, near and dear to my heart....the saving grace of hospitals. The plus side of a single payor system is that we have to wait longer for certain 'treatments' which gives us a chance to learn more as well as get over the shock of our negative diagnoses. This waiting period can actually save our lives. Please remember that our design is intricate and not meant to fail. Our biggest challenge is to unlearn what we have been force-fed and relearn that reversing disorders (MS, cancer, arthritis, dementia, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, asthma, allergies, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., etc., etc.) is simpler than many think. My contribution to the freedom movement that is sweeping the planet is health freedom as well. We are likely to succeed much faster if our minds are clear and we are moving without pain and otherwise consumed with thinking bout our frightening 'chronic diseases.' The health freedom movement and health wars has been going on for hundreds of years and as always, many people have stuck to their guns for which they were killed. My part in health wars is teaching basic physiology and keeping the body alive. I encourage kinesiology, reflexology, color therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, quantum energetics and all the others as they are extremely complementary. I hope this helps someone out there. Peace and Love to all of us and those we hold dear :)

Comment by Deborah Williams on August 13, 2012 at 1:07

I am always warning people against statins, and telling them that cholesterol is not bad. Some get it but others are still brainwashed into thinking that their doctors know best.

Will share this around Margie as usual :-)

Comment by Margie Clarke, RN on August 13, 2012 at 1:33

Well...we know the stages of truth - lol. As long as we get it out there, someone somewhere will start to think. Don't deplete your energy trying to convince anyone is WAY too draining. Been there, done that. On the bright side, we are at the beginning of something really huge....freedom for the global inhabitants of OUR planet. Like my mum always said, "Rome wasn't built in a day." After 30 years I have come to the conclusion that those who are meant to live YOU for one. I absolutely refuse to let TPTB give me some friggin' disease (not in my plan.) Lots of love and light to you Deborah....we're here for a reason and there is rarely a crowd at the head of the learning curve or 'leading edge' hahaha. I for one am very grateful for you and believe me, there are others.

Comment by Margie Clarke, RN on August 13, 2012 at 1:35

Andrea, thank you. I love how this 'potion' makes me feel. Will be making another batch in a few days.

Comment by anthony on August 24, 2012 at 23:06

thankyou for this item margie,

 ive been avoiding cholesterol as best i can since being tested twenty odd years ago and told i was right on the limit for my height etc.

i suffer from sciatica and other arm nerve damage, and have become vegetarian about a year and a half ago which forced me into finding better food, im getting there and this info is very enlightening for me, so thanks again margie......


Comment by Margie Clarke, RN on August 26, 2012 at 3:17

You are very welcome, Anthony

Comment by Margie Clarke, RN on August 26, 2012 at 3:35

You might want to get the above recipe, Anthony, because the unsulphured organic molasses is very high in Inositol which is well known for one of its benefits which is nerve regeneration. Also, our body will naturally make Inositol if we give it a fresh abundance of fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, brown rice, quinoa, and other grains...but Inositol can NEVER be made naturally by the body in the presence of dehydration. Increase water intake and salt and provide fruits and veggies and you should be good for a very long time :)

Comment by anthony on August 26, 2012 at 18:45

i have the recipe Margie and will be getting the ingredients asap. which will probably friday next!.

in the meantime im purifying my water in the sun and or with my new water filter in the fridge.

i have germinated and planted out mung beans, its a bit late in the year but i wanted to see if they will grow okay here and seem to be doing ok up to now.

im learning about pulses and legumes, sprouts etc. and will be growing them for definate in my garden next year.

thanks for this stuff margie, its very much appreciated indeed.

Comment by Henry (Aitch) Cox on August 26, 2012 at 23:26

Unsulphered Molasses on ebay, @ £7.99+£1.75 post, in case anyone has problems sourcing it

Aitch :)

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The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.

Abraham Lincoln



Kent Freedom Movement is a grass roots organisation of people who want to bring important information to the people of Kent.

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then there was money,

then there was money & debt,

then there was only debt –

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