Here is my page link with two articles on the badger cull UK. The first article is 'TB not infectious' and the second is an 'Open Letter to the Network for Animals' which is an anti-vaccination article concerning badgers (and humans). I also have another article on the nuclear energy issue titled 'The Pacific Ocean is Dying: Fukushima is Here', which is very grim.  I am working on yet a third article on bovine tuberculosis/badger cull titled 'Pointlessness of Biosecurity' which may be ready in a few weeks time which covers the fraud of the infectious myth. The main issue is that science claims that bovine TB is an infectious disease, but I beg to differ.  Basically, I claim that tuberculosis is an environmental disease, caused by an environmental stress on the animals (cows and badgers etc, and humans) which then manifests as tuberculosis, an inside-out process, not an outside-in (infectious) process, which is what the science and the politics claim.  This inside-out process is homeostasis, the body walling off the poison to keep a balance.  Therefore, tuberculosis is in a sense 'good news' because it is saving the life of the animal or human. If the non-infectious theory is so, then this says that mainstream science based on 'infectious' disease is a fraud. This also means that vaccines, which are meant to protect against 'infectious' disease, are another fraud as 'infectious' disease is a misnomer, meaning 'infectious' disease theory is only theoretical, not a reality.  In other words, we do not 'catch' diseases (apart from trauma or poison). Thus, coughs and sneezes do not spread disease, which is what we all assume through years of propaganda. This is radical, it is swimming upstream, and few people can get their heads around it. However, I fear that I am not wrong.  John Wantling, Rochdale

Views: 98

Comment by Deborah Williams on January 29, 2016 at 18:16

Very interesting John, I think you are right about the Bovine TB not being dangerous. They lie to us about virtually everything.

Also vaccines are useless and cause illness and death in a lot of cases.

Good start to the beginning of your membership. This is exactly what we want to see on our website, members taking an active part.

Well done

Comment by John Wantling on January 29, 2016 at 22:00

Deborah, very few people side with my claims regardless if that be pro or anti cull.  In fact, I need to leave the cull issue to get this message across. I have been banned from the Badger Trust, and also censored in two Facebook badger groups. The infectious theory of disease (not just tuberculosis) is programed into us from an early age, and so we are so heavily conditioned from the beginning. The science is all based upon the infectious model, and so we are all led down the garden path. I could just as well put an article together 'flu not infectious', 'common cold not infectious', 'measles not infectious' etc. The official story has to be the infectious myth as this then stops anyone looking at the real cause, and also propagates the fraudulent vaccine industry which is basically a poison industry which I cover in my 'Open Letter to the Network for Animals' article. John Wantling, Rochdale

Comment by John Wantling on January 29, 2016 at 22:07

Deborah, I say that bovine TB does exist, but the actual cause is the danger, not the so-called 'disease'. The disease TB is homeostasis, it is walling off the poison to keep the body balanced. So TB is not a disease as such, it is actually playing an important role in the health of the body (animal or human). When we see TB as a disease that we need to get rid of, we are missing the whole point. The key is to understand the TB story, which I cover in my next article 'pointlessness of biosecurity'. This also applies to all disease.  The politicians, the academics, the vets, they are all lying because they all focus on the infectious model which is a fraud. John Wantling, Rochdale

Comment by John Wantling on January 29, 2016 at 22:17

Deborah, I focus on bovine TB but we can apply this non-infectious model to all so-called 'infectious' diseases. The point I make is that there is no mode of transmission. They assume there is a mode of transmission, so then we conjure up the idea that disease is infectious. This is not the case at all. If a person is coughing and sneezing say in a confined space such as a lift, we tend to see that person as a threat, but there is no mode of transmission, so we do not 'catch' anything. People may say, what about measles parties, but once again, we don't 'catch' measles. I do not discount a child suffering from measles after a party, which may well be a hormonal effect, the so-called 'microbe' being a trigger.  But the measles must be in the system already, it does not appear out of the blue after a measles party. For a disease to manifest, the disease must already be in the system. Hence, we don't 'catch' measles at a measles party. Moreover, this hormonal effect will be quick, which is another clue. John Wantling, Rochdale

Comment by Deborah Williams on January 31, 2016 at 19:00

I agree that disease and viruses are internal We have plenty of blogs on here that testamount to that.

Margie Clarke RN who is a member on here has been a nurse for over 30 years and put up a brilliant blog on this site that states that all so called illnesses and disease is connected to unintentional Chronic Dehydration.

I have followed her work for a few years now and have myself put up various related blogs that cotinue along that thread.

Here is the original blog

Water and salt intake is a global deficiency

Comment by Deborah Williams on January 31, 2016 at 19:03

Please also read a brilliant free e-book that is on this site

Your bodies many cries for water by the brilliant late Dr Batnangheldj

Click on the link on the right hand side of the website page.

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